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MРЗС-05Л AИAР.466452.001-12.1

MРЗС-05Л  AИAР.466452.001-12.1 2863

(rear connection, 3 phase current sensors, power supply for DI, EFP, OСP 0,4) Are used as: - basic protection of inputs, busbar coupleres and feeder cable and overhead lines with isolated, compensated and deadly grounded neutral; - backup protection; - main protection with the function of ACB on the busbar coupler, as well as on the reclosers.

It performs the following functions:

Provides control and measurement of the following values:

  • phase currents Ia, Ic, Ib - from 0,1 to 30 Iн (Iн = 5 А);
  • current of one phase of 0.4 kV connection - from 0.5 to 150 A);
  • zero sequence current - from 0.01 to 2 A;
  • three phase or line voltages - up to 150 V;
  • zero phase-sequence voltage - up to 150V;
  • angles between all analog measurements of the main line;
  • network frequencies;
  • active power with a sign;
  • reactive power with a sign;
  • full power;
  • power factor;
  • interphase active and reactive resistances.

Relay protection functions:

  • four-stage overcurrent protection (OCP), has the following stages:
  • 1- stage with definite time delay (current pinch-off), or with the possibility of a voltage triggering, ordirectional OCP with an independent time delay;
  • 2- stage with definite time delay with the possibility of voltage triggering or with a time-dependent delay (in accordance with IES 255-4 types A, B, C, RТ-80, RТV-1 characteristics), or directional OCP with an independent time delay;
  • 3- stage with a definite time delay (overload protection) with the possibility of voltage triggering or directional OCP;
  • 4- directi stage with a definite time delay (overload protection) with the possibility of voltage triggering or onal OCP.
  • two-stage single-phase overcurrent protection 0.4 kV, 1st stage with indefinite time delay, 2nd stage with definite or indefinite time delay in accordance with IEC 255-4.
  • Directional ground fault protection (DGFP) - with the choice of the direction of action and the possibility of switching to non-directional (with respect to the current 3Io or voltage 3Uo) or to a non-directional by the sum of the higher harmonics 3Io.
  • three-stage directional ground fault protection according to design 3Io (GFP) with the possibility of simultaneous operation in two directions with different sets of settings.
  • two-stage undervoltage protection with the ability to control the current and the inclusion of triggers for AND or OR.
  • two-stage overvoltage protection with the inclusion of triggers for AND or OR.
  • negative phase-sequence protection (NPSP), reacts to the ratio of the negative sequence current to the direct sequence current (phase failure monitoring (PFM));
  • arc fault protection (AFP): start of AFP is carried out through a discrete input from an external arcprotection sensor with the ability of current control;
  • circuit-breaker failure protection (CBFP) with current control: CBFP is initiated when cut-off tripping events or via a binary input. CBFP has two stages in response time.
  • implementation of busbar protection scheme (BPS).

Automation functions:

  • four-time recloser (AR).The AR is started from OCP. Provides the ability to block reclosing through a discrete input;
  • automatic frequency load shedding (UFLS with FAR);
  • circuit breaker control. The circuit breaker can be switched on and off both from the device and via a discrete input (pulsed). If there is a command to cut off the circuit breaker, the on signal is blocked;
  • acceleration of OCP after the switch is turned on, or if the second stage of the OCP is forced into the accelerated mode.
  • circuit breaker closing and opening monitoring;
  • control of commutation life of switch.

Defined functions, triggers and logical elements:

  • number of defined functions - 8;
  • number of defined triggers - 4, The status of triggers is stored in non-volatile memory;
  • logical elements AND, OR, NOT, EXCLUSIVE-OR.

Emergency registrar of oscillograms of currents with recording of discrete signals:

  • parameterizable duration of pre-emergency and emergency recording.
  • resolution of the recorder by analog signals - not more than 1.25 ms.
  • total recording time - 66 s.

Discrete event recorder:

  • 48 recent events,
  • up to 43 entries in each accident with a discreteness in time - 1 ms,
  • for each accident the following are recorded:
    • all discrete signals, with the fixation of arrival and departure time;
    • maximum value of phase current with fixation of remaining currents and voltages;
    • maximum value of the current 3Io with the fixation of the remaining currents and voltages;
    • maximum value of the voltage 3Uo with the fixation of the remaining currents and voltages;
    • maximum value of the ratio of the current of the negative sequence to the current of the direct sequence with the fixation of the remaining currents and voltages;
    • maximum value of phase or line voltages with fixation of remaining currents and voltages;
    • minimum value of phase or linear voltages with fixation of remaining currents and voltages;
    • minimum value of frequency with fixation of remaining currents and voltages;
    • value of frequency with the fixation of remaining currents and voltages at the time of operation of FAR;
    • maximum current value 0.4 kV with fixation of remaining currents and voltages.

Energy metering:

  • active energy - in two directions;
  • reactive energy - in four quadrants.

Determining the fault location.

Four groups of settings for all protections.

Short-circuit currents auxiliary power supply If the power supply of the device at the power input of 220 V (or 110 V) The device can be powered from current transformers of phases A and C. In this case, the magnitude of the current must be 4 A or more for one of the phases or for the total of two phases.

Binary inputs feeding from internal source - from the DIP output, two discrete inputs can be energized

Number of freely programmable inputs, outputs, indicators:

  • discrete inputs - 10, with the possibility of autonomous power supply of a discrete input;
  • discrete relay outputs - 10, without and with the memorization, realization of ShMS;
  • LED indicators - 8, with and without memory.
  • All inputs, outputs, indicators are freely programmable.
  • Multilingual menu - 3 languages supported.
  • Provides input-output from the work of all protections or their individual stages.
  • Six freely programmable buttons.
  • Work with an external computer is carried out through the USB port.
  • For the device to work in the local network interface RS-485 is provided.
  • Communication protocol - ModBus RTU. In MRZS-05L (-12.1) (-32.1) optional – IEC 06870-5-104.
  • Software update via USB port (only in -12.1 and -32.1).

Connection diagram MRZS-05L AIAR.466452.001-12.1, (-32.1)